Top 10 commands in linux every developer should know

Top 10  commands in linux every developer should know
  1. ls: List files and directories in the current directory.

  2. cd: Change directory.

     cd [directory]
  3. pwd: Print the current working directory.

  4. cp: Copy files or directories.

     cp [source] [destination]
  5. mv: Move or rename files or directories.

     mv [source] [destination]
  6. rm: Remove files or directories.

     rm [file/directory]
  7. nano (or vim): Text editors for creating and editing files.

     nano [filename]
  8. grep: Search for a specific pattern in files.

     grep [pattern] [file]
  9. chmod: Change file permissions.

     chmod [permissions] [file]
  10. man: Access the manual pages for commands.

    man [command]

These commands form the basic toolkit for navigating, manipulating, and interacting with files and directories in a Linux environment. As a developer, you'll likely use these frequently while working on software development projects.